And so it Lingers

by TamborineMan   Aug 15, 2007

A glance into my heart
reveals a reflection not my own
shadow becomes
my faded self

you're so sorry for my pain
you're so sorry for my loss
gasp for breath my sweet one
hold on to a hand, though it's not my own

would that my words held sway
yet your eyes will never find them
if you could but feel my lost kiss
through the shackles of this pen

memories of you
hold hostage my heart and soul
if only you were here tonight
to make me smile once more

but for that I would need your guidance
to pace me through the lost motions
my happiness left with your farewell
I'm so sorry for my loss

My loneliness exhausts me through and through
to sleep a thousand years
yet still you would haunt me
as in my dreams you do nightly


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  • 17 years ago

    by Michelle18

    This is a good poem...some meaning behind it.. i like it..although i dont think it flowed as greatly as it could have..something was just off.... but overall it was pretty good.. i give you a 5/5 still.

  • 17 years ago

    by Lonely Little Dreamer

    It was ok..i think the flow was rough in the beginning and i would work on where to put your punctuations cause i didnt agree with some of their placements..the ending started to pick up a bit better...all together the content was good and clear to what you wanted to express and you could feel the emotion put into it..overall its all right..good write and good luck with future writes!


  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet Fragility

    Nice poem. I like how you expressed the emotion in this piece. The flow was a tiny bit off but it's okay. I like the word choice though.
    My loneliness exhausts me through and through
    to sleep a thousand years
    yet still you would haunt me
    as in my dreams you do nightly
    Strong words ^^
    ~ Lainey

  • 17 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    A write full of emotion and beautifully penned! I like your style and will read more.
    Keep it up.

  • 17 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I liked the emotion, and i liked the content.
    I didnt think it flowed too well though, but thats my opinion.
    You did a great job on the emotion though.
    love Tara-Kay