by Anna   Aug 15, 2007

Just one more will be fine,
one more will fix it all
just swallow it down and it will all go away
standing in line
they hand you your happiness
in a little yellow pill

just paint on that smile
there you go, it's all fine now
oh, i see a tear
you're gonna smudge your happiness
let's just fix that up
don't want reality to show, do you?

look at my clothes
just look at my makeup
I'm happy, can't you see
my costume says so, don't you get it
you can't see whats underneath
you can't see it, because i hid it
don't tell me I'm lying
you can't see that, you cant see it

standing in line, waiting your turn
they hand you your relief
in a sharp shining blade

just drag it down,
there, the reality is gone now, isn't it
all better now
oh, i see a tear
you're gonna smudge your happiness
let's just fix that up
don't want reality to show, do you?

cover up those scars
and paint that smile back on
chins up, smiles on those faces
it's show-time people
we don't want the reality to show, now do we?
time to pretend

standing in line, waiting your turn
they hand you the end
in a gun and a bullet

just hold it load it
bring it to your head
put your finger on the trigger
now let's see that smile,
oh, i see a tear
you're gonna smudge your happiness
you don't want reality to show, do you?

now just pull that trigger
reality is peeking through
now let's just cover that up, huh?
just paint a pretty little smile there
i see tears
now just look at all the smudged happiness
let's just fix that up
show the world just how fake you really were


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