Humanity FaLLs!!

by Reapers ZeitGeiSt   Aug 17, 2007

Mask your senses and prepare for an overdose in a fake world...
Corrupt your soul to understand it all...
Verify my lies and let's hope that someone cries...

The gift of satisfaction is taken for granted..
The sense of corruption forsaken,enchanted..
Naive thoughts that usually prevailed are now forgotten
by a mind that's derailed.

Meaningless tragedy reaping our souls..
Weak is humanity that stumbles and falls.
Abnormal logic blocks our thoughts to let us straggle
until normality rots.

Beneath the surface of morality now I call for immortality..
Justice seems unknown to me
as I unearth a treacherous conspiracy..
Unfold your faith to spawn illusions and relieve the truth
with pure confusions.

Fulfill your needs to feel alive,
but first decide what you call life.
Raise a mirror in front of you
and nothing to flatter will be true.
Self esteem with sensitive borders,
Judge yourself but take no orders.

Sometimes I know there's no reason
for a season full of treason..
Nature feels the blame,
which burdens us with shame..
Every day we justify the tries to spawn lies,
but in the end we just defy the fact that humanity dies..
So let's rise above this
and peacefully kill prejudice
erasing the word "enemies".


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Good message through this poem, very touching

  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    VerY mucH fascinatinG. keeP yR writinG tO shimmeR likE aS thiS onE.... 5/5.

    'humanitY fallS'


  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    Very much stirring, let them flourish.. 5/5
    Check for my new poem'favorite authors' - thanks
