Thank you Lord and I'm sorry too

by Kris   Aug 17, 2007

I want to thank you Lord more an more,
For all that you have done for me always.
Being there at all times even if I wasn't.
I know there have been a lot of times I thought I could do
it on my own, even though I knew I couldn't and shouldn't.
Thank you for always being by my side whether in the forefront or in the shadows where I sometimes stuck you.
For all those times I want to say just how sorry I am.
Please forgive me for all the times I've strayed from thee.
Lord I want you to take the lead again in my life.
Thank you again for listening to me.
As I want to apologize again to you
I'm sorry for all I've done wrong and for leaving your side.
Lord I Love You!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    LovE lorD, keeP youR hearT purE witH a purificationN... leavE tO lorD youR needS anD hE will anssweR youR thoughtS anD requorementS indeeD...... youR writinG seemS tO bE sO nicE deaR...