Fondest Memory

by Izzie   Aug 18, 2007

You are my fondest memory
The one person who with always be in my heart
I still do not know quite how to say good-bye
And I do not know if I ever will

You were my guardian angel
When I needed your help
You were just a phone call away
And now you are a prayer away

I cant run to you anymore
I cant cry on your shoulder
I will never forgot what your laugh is like
Well be best friends forever

I wish so much
That you are still here
I know you are mentally
Or spiritually

Im so mad you got taken
I just feel like it wasnt your time
I want you back so bad
But there nothing I can do

I wonder whats its like
Up there
Playing in the clouds
Are they fluffy or like cotton candy

I just want you back
I mean I know that you are happy
And that I should be too
But I cant, not with out you

I just want to see your smile
Just once when I look in the mirror
With your hand on my shoulder
Telling me it will be okay

You were always there when I needed your help
You were always there when I cried
You were always there when I didnt get along with my mom
You were always there

I wish I could play in the rain with you just once more
Just laugh like we used to
Tell our problems to each other
From guys to our sizes

Play in the hayloft
Or chase the cows
Our steal your moms alcohol
Or just be ourselves

I know you dont want me to cry
But I cant help
It hurt when I found out that you died
It shocked me

Why would God take someone so full of life?
Someone that never hurt anyone else
Never thought twice about help other people
Always smiled, even if you hurt

I talk to you in my dreams
See your smile
Your laugh
Those twinkles in your eyes, when we were up to no good

I knew all your secrets
Even the ones that involved me
I know you can hear me
Let me hear you, one more time

By the way say hi to your dad for me!!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    Beautiful poem. true love lasts forever, lovely. god bless. xoxooxx