The Tunnel

by Christopher   Aug 18, 2007

Echoing steps in a long winding tunnel
fills my soul of eternal rest.
Dark, long shadows accompany me
from the Light leading to the arcane fest.

It stings: biting me in the eyes.
Diabolic flames greedy to engulf me
in the fiery forge where the condemned rise
and dance a skeletal jingle.

The amber caverns glow unholy bright,
illuminating our dark, chained souls.
Strike and crashes befall all,
metamorphosing us into ghouls.

And so into another Tunnel we were led,
like mindless insectoids scrambling furiously,
we screamed in silent agony to be fed
the bath of Light once more.


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  • 17 years ago

    by kimberly

    I really like your pomes it's awesome!

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