Holy Moses, wow that was a bit depressing yeah? Great flow and wording, the begining line of each stanza dod get a bit repetitive, but it was still great. Its sad that this kind of things happens, I hope it never happened to anyone you know. I'm off the read the other parts. Ciao. |
by Amy
so sad yet really well written. |
by jescelle
you made me cry..... wow youve had a hard life. either that or you really realize true pain. Im touched by the way you added in the mother thing, i almost killed myself once, and that is really how i felt, thank you so much W/B if you can |
by BaybeBlew
Awe...That was so sad. I've never really read anything like that. The worst pain is to have a child taken away from you. Anyways awesome poem. |
by RicaLo
That was very powerful and sad, but you wrote it beautifully:) |
Hey Dani, So wish i had half your talent! By the way dont wanna be picky and pathetic but wanted to let you know all throughout the poem you have used the word "LITTLE" but on the second to last verse you put "LIL". Just thought id let you know, cos im always making little mistakes and rely on picky people to let me know! |