You went from the boy whose face i cant erase
to the boy who was surprisingly easy to replace
and looking back now i cant believe i gave you the chance
to convince my foolish heart you were in it for romance
behind my back you can easily misconstrue
your version of the story, which couldn't be farther from true
I'm sick of your arrogance I'm sick of your lies
all you ever cared about was your ego and your pride
you didn't have to put in so much effort and time
( i could have done without the pathetic pickup lines)
because you met a girl who was as lonely as you
but i was looking for love, you were looking for someone to DO
brutality is as brutality does
your brutally broke everything that i was
but i have risen from the ashes of the fire you put out
i am reborn, renewed, rekindled; without a trace of doubt