by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT   Aug 19, 2007

How hard can it be....

It is not the same without him...

I begged and telling God please send him back

I was only 12 years old and I knew he was

dying when he is trying to live longer

All those memories are still in my head
And you tell me how hard can it be,
Lose someone you really love.

Is he really dead or he is around me.

Can I really blame myself for not saving him To stop smoking cigarette when he started to cough or Spit of blood.

I was only a child, barely knew what to do
then. I wish I could cure of lung cancer of my Daddy has.

My heart is never the same since he died.

I cried everyday, every night and

whenever I Thought of him. I wish he could
stand beside me watching me growing up

but it is too late.

I could have stop him, I hate myself for

awhile when I was irated, losing my

precious Daddy.

I missed his love, his kisses, his hugs,
his tease, his stinky feet, his laugh, his smile, his jokes, and I MISS HIM BEING THERE FOR ME AND MY FAMILY

I know he is in heaven watching over me but is still hard knowing where he stand.

I Still MISS my DADDY being HERE!

For all the young girl lost their daddy or mommy, I understand how pain can it be. Or daddy and mommy are still "smoking", convince him or her to stop. Don't wanna lose their precious love to make you go in the horrible situation.



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  • 17 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    I liked it alot. im Sorry to hear u lost ur dad. I guess I could say I kinda know how u feel but ot excatly nice write Kepp it up!
    5/5 always

  • 17 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    It got some strong feeling in here..great job. 10/10

  • 17 years ago

    by Independent

    Dis is madd deep.. i didnt loose ma mom or dad to it but i did loose my pop-pop in he was liek ma dad. so i canm relate the pain in a way. sorry for your lost but god has a plan for everybody ya kno.

  • 17 years ago

    by Katie

    This is really strong. I love it. Great job.

  • 17 years ago

    by Sylvia

    WOw that's really sad. Made me wanna cry.I know what it'slike tolose a loved one...

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