Comments : Nobody knows

  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    ReallY expressivE anD helD togetheR nicelY witH sucH greaT worS Of choicE.
    WelL donE anD welL deservinG poeM.

    KeeP uP youR gooD joB...

    luzaN wit yoU...

  • 17 years ago

    by Connie


    I felt you wrote this completly from your heart, and you did a very good job. I have a dear friend that has went through many things in here life, and I know she could relate to your last line, "Nobody has a clue about anything I have to go through."

    Keep Writing!

  • 15 years ago

    by Blaketooken

    WOw..Great poem
    I know how it feels..
    Keep writing
    Great job
    keani lovez koa