The day my heart stops beating

by Chelsey   Aug 21, 2007

So for now I won't worry
I won't even shed no tears
Because so far you've given me a love
That has prove can last for years

The day my heart stops beating
Will be the day that you leave
I'll keep breathing fresh air
Until you lie, cheat or deceive

I will keep walking straight
With my head held straight and high
Until you say we lost things in common
And its time for you and I to say goodbye

The day my heart stops beating
Will be the day you say you lost that love
That you once had given to me
But now I'm no longer thought of

I will keep on loving you
With all my heart and soul
Until you say you've changed and moved on
And I'm now the lowest on your totem pole

The day my heart stops beating
Will be the day you leave me without a voice
Where you set me on the back-burner
And don't let me make any choice

But I keep living life with you as my man
Happily and peacefully I must say
Until you turn violent and aggressive
And lay a hand on me one day

You've showed me your trustworthy
I don't have anything to worry about
You'd never do anything to harm me
I have not one doubt

So my heart continues to beat regularly
Occasionally you make it skip a beat
You've made me feel so beautiful
And you have been quite the treat


So for now I won't worry
I won't even shed no tears
Because so far you've given me a love
That has prove can last for years


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  • 17 years ago

    by FireCracker

    HEY GIRL! BOY HAS IT BEEN AWHILE but I gotta tell ya this was an awesome one to come back to and read.. YOUVE STILL GOT IT, just like I knew you would! Gr8 work! uggh i really need to start up the writing but ive been so busy. lol but i loved this one.. and just had to tell ya and say hey!

  • 17 years ago

    by FireCracker

    HEY GIRL! BOY HAS IT BEEN AWHILE but I gotta tell ya this was an awesome one to come back to and read.. YOUVE STILL GOT IT, just like I knew you would! Gr8 work! uggh i really need to start up the writing but ive been so busy. lol but i loved this one.. and just had to tell ya and say hey!

  • 17 years ago

    by Angie

    Beautiful Chelz, I wish you much love and happiness and if tears are shed may they be happy ones!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    Wonderful poem.

    So for now I won't worry
    I won't even shed no tears
    Because so far you've given me a love
    That has prove can last for years

    This is what I hope you find for yourself hun. That once in a lifetime love.
    Great job!
    Love Cindy