The Lost Friend

by Lizzy   Aug 21, 2007

Cared and shared,
loved and lost,
now i seem to be tossed,
out of a life,
i did once enjoy,
discarded like a broken toy.
You want to leave? Fine.
I'll find another heart to shine.
ill love and share,
what do i care,
that you no longer love me?
but thats the problem you see?
i do care,
i still want to share,
but u seem to be fine,
blame your troubles on me,
leave me to bleed,
kicked and kneed,
in my heart.
I cared for you,
i shared for you,
i sat and listened while you cried,
but when I needed,
my heart uncompleted,
you walked away.
Now i await the day,
waiting for someone to come.
to bring me out of my sorrow,
so that I may borrow,
what I need,
to succeed,
to be loved once more.


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