Seeing A Ghost

by Aaron Deevers   Aug 22, 2007

Every time I go out I see your face
Every window I pear into I see you by my side
When I am walking alone I feel your presence by my side

As I drive now alone at night in this car
I feel that every now and then I see you in the back seat
Every time I look to my rear view mirror I see you sitting there
Every where I go you are there standing and watching

Everyday I pass by the corner of East and Elm and see you there
Everyday you're sitting there on that corner

I know it's not really you
But why do I see you
Why do I always find myself thinking of you?
Or even feeling your presence near by

How can this be when you are no longer here?
No longer here cause of my mistake
Now I know why you are here
You're here to make me suffer
Make me feel more pain than that day
Make me remember it always, aren't you

I will never forget that day
I was pretending to be your taxi driver
Driving you around to each place you wanted
I remember we were almost to East and Elm
When someone missed a stop sign and t-bond us

I remember falling to the ground
Looking all over for you
Finding you lying in the back seat
Blood dripping all around you
I grabbed you and held you

I screamed for help
Yet no one heard
The driver in the other car took off
It was just you and I

I sat there holding you as you died
It was me that was to be blamed
I ran that stop sign
The other driver I did not see
Only cause they had slide down a hill

I sat there crying for you
Ignoring the fact I killed you
I killed the one and only one I loved
I watched as you left this world
Left me with guilt and pain
Pain knowing that I killed you

I sat in prison for ten years
Thinking of that day
Trying to ignore it
Yet it stayed there in my head

Now that I am out driving passed East and Elm
I stop and stare at the memorable that is still there for you
I fall to my knees and start to cry
I start to beg for forgiveness

As I start to stand up I see you
Standing there in front of me
You say, 'I do not hate you
I do not want you to suffer
I want you to move on remembering
The good times we spent as one'

I say I love you and miss you
You walk up to me
Kiss me on the lips
Lips that are cold
As you turn away
You say one last thing
'It was both are faults
We shouldn't have drank that night
I forgive you as you asked yet you needed
Not to.'

As she disappears into thin air
I stand there crying
Know that now she has forgiven me
I walk to my car and take off
I glance one last time to my rear view mirror
I see nothing but an empty seat
You are now gone, but not from my heart

-- This did not happen in real life, it is in a way a story than a poem, yet I hope you vote and comment on it --

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  • 17 years ago

    by Brandy

    WOW!! this poem almost made me so touching yet u say it isn't real....I loved it...

  • 17 years ago

    by Dawnie

    Great poem i can relate to that sometimes i have presents of one of my love ones around me. most of the times i see my dead friends or family in my dreams. i know how you feel. but i want you to know that your not alone who feels this way. there are plenty who are going through the same thing. i read your profile you remind me of one of my closest guy friends maybe you two would get along once in a while someone i never met reminds me of someone i know so i tell them that.

  • 17 years ago

    by BreakMyWingsAndRun