Comments : Take A Walk In These High Heels (Transgender Awareness Poem)

  • 17 years ago

    by hippiehxc

    I love it.
    Astonishing, to say the least.
    I know what it's like to be raised into a family like that.
    I, myself, am bisexual.
    And so proud. :]
    Don't worry about returning the favor.

  • 17 years ago

    by Wallace

    Woah, talk about written from the heart, you should have a warning sign before it. WARNING, READERS ARE EXPECTED TO LOSE A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF TEARS. lol, great work man.

  • 17 years ago

    by Poe Syndrome

    Awesome poem!!! im not against anything that you talked about, i loved it because i have the same opinions, all my life ive been taught that a gay/lesbian kiss is bad, but at the same time i was taught not to judge, it never made sense! we are all free, its not bad, its a choice. im not gay but im not against it, in fact one of my greatest friends is gay. and by the way rent BEST musical ever! my favorite! i work in theater so im really into it! keep writing! you are awesome!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sherry Lynn

    This is rally beautiful. It is a shame when society judges us with "their" standars before even getting to know our hearts.

    Though I am not gay or bi, I am a tomboy and catch a lot of slack over it. Baby, trust me, it goes both ways for males and females.

    I am constantly told that I am not girlie enough, I am one of the guys, I need to learn to act like a lady and wear a dress yada yada yada....

    I am proud of you for standing up and being yourself. I think it is great that you can be true to who you are despite the critics.

    Just remember love, the only opinion that matters is yours. If you give into society and "conform" to how "they" think you should be then you would only be living a lie and never find happiness.

    I say rock on baby... rock on!


  • 17 years ago

    by Hermosa

    We are born as us;
    growing up just
    Straightens out the edges.

    I loved that little part in the bottom and by the way i loved the whole thing too but that just brought it together for me

  • 17 years ago

    by xxKarma

    Im not gey, but i support gey marrage ! :)
    i just dont undersatnd why people think its so rong , i mean EVERYBODY deserves to love :)

  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen

    Absolutely amazing.....i admire you for who you are and im proud that you brought this out like jonise of my bestfriends is gay...i will be here for him forever..there were fights i got into coz of people dissin him...but i am happy that me and my girls love and respect him the way i do...and i truly understand how sumtimes people can get cruel and put u down...i know it sux sumtimes...but always take strength from people who loves always..and ill add u in my fave lists....ur poems are absolutely straight from the heart....gj...

  • 17 years ago

    by Meet Me On Thames Street

    Beatiful, simply beautiful, and straight from the heart. I agree with every word you said, people shouldn't have to hide or change who they are just because its not the norm. Keep writing, and don't ever be afraid to be yourself!

    Nicole :)

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Wow, this is awsome, i loved it soo much!t's great how open-mided you are, wish everyone was, 5/5