For my friend and ?guy?

by Liz   Aug 23, 2007

(i know this doesn't rhyme but i don't care)

I'm getting sacred
b/c i dont want to regret

now I'm wondering
and I'm getting mad at myself

its getting hard not to wonder

now i just don't know
b/c its hard to talk

and i don't really know u
but i still say I'm your girl

so now I'm wondering
and i don't want to

is this right?
r we even supposed to b?
b/c we aren't really dating anyway
and i can see my self w/ u forever and ever

but in person...?
i love to talk to u
i love it i do

but its hard to picture us being physically together
to b on a trip to Utah or at the mall
Ur so sweet
i love that

but i cant picture a real u and me anymore
i always had a hard time w/ that
i cant see us at the beach or at a party
and talking in person

thats what I'm confused about
u r great to write to
but could we talk all day and night
if we were right next to each other????

could we even still b friends
or would we ignore each other
like we sorta already do
so no one has a clue

so now I'm wondering
what to do
b/c i still really like u
but i need to see in person
or i might never really love u the right way

i love u so much as a friend
and even more
but I'm scared to
b/c i know u know its true
could we do it in person?
could we really still b friends?
could we still talk and have fun?

will we just smile and wave in the hall ways from now on?
can this even go on?
should we even b ?

forever friends we will b
but thats not what I'm talking about anyway
and i have so much more to say
but i wont

ill just wait for ur reply
(put it in a poem boy)

~~this is for sum one so they know how i feel i don't care if u think i should fix it~~i will only if i think it needs it~~ but first he needs to reply~~


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by ali

    This is soo sweet and i really hope he replied to you!!!! you dont need to rhyme things for them to be a poem and for it all to work perfectly. a lovely depiction of an honest persons thoughts xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Thats good, i hope he replies, and i dont think you should edit it - its how you feel xxxxxxx