Echoing Screams (Huitain)

by Cindy   Aug 24, 2007

Lost and alone no where to go
Many years now have passed me by
Days and nights they've moved so slow
Seeing your face wanting to cry
For so long your death I denied
Watching them tuck you in the ground
Yelling for you with no reply
Screams echoing the only sound

Huitain has 8 lines 8 syllables lines 1,3 rhyme lines 2, 4, 5, 7 rhyme and lines 6, 8 rhyme.

Written By: Cynthia Graver Aug 24, 2007


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  • 17 years ago

    by Natalie84

    This poem here brought tears to my eyes. With the resent passing of my step father I know this feeling all too well. Sitting through his funeral and looking at his picture…it just didn’t feel real. The tears wouldn’t stop but at the same time I could NOT grasp the fact that he was actually gone. Still on some days I think of him as though he’s at home…and all over again it hurts when I remember he’s gone. I fear that years from now I will still be in that same state. Enough rambling…my point is this is a poem that so many can relate to. It’s the painful truth of life. I’m in love with the last line…PERFECT ENDING..for me ;)

  • 17 years ago

    by Wake

    ...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... i cnt believe im almost crying rite now ... *sob*

    what a pwrful impact this one had..really..really amazing..

    "..Screams echoing the only sound.."
    haunting and a very very poignant write.

    love it


  • 17 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Powerful sadness in this piece.

  • 17 years ago

    by ben thompson

    A fantastic write cindy very sad. your words convey your feelings with power. 5 from me best wishes ben thompson

  • 17 years ago

    by Lithium

    Very creative hon. xox sam