
by Kris   Aug 25, 2007

Lilacs are my favorite, for the fragrance and beauty.

Though they are a short lived flower that blooms and

shortly afterward dies.

Carnations are next, for the sweet aroma , and the

many colors they are a beautiful sight.

Roses are very fragrant flowers. They come in a

multitude of colors to see.

There are many different types from them that grow on

bushes, to those that have long stems.

How there are thorns that can prick a finger and draw a

drop of blood.

There are many varieties of flowers, they all have

their very own special beauty.

So take the time as they say to stop and smell the

flowers along life's path each day.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    WhaT aN excitinG anD a lovelY poeM yoU writteN alL abouT dE flowerS, itS sOooooooo mucH tastinG tO reaD...
