They Said That Hell's Not Hot [ACROSTIC]

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Aug 28, 2007

There are people who think that
Hell is place of joy where
Everything is beautiful
Yet still full of hate.

Sad to think that they could be right
And that Hell could be this
Incredible place reserved for those who
Dare to go against the norm,

Those who will not live what society
Has deemed the "perfect" life. In
Any case, who is society
To tell us how to live?

How will we ever know what life is like if
Everyone continues to
Live this f@#ked up
Life that society has forced upon us.
So, my fellow freaks,

Now the time has come to decide: are we normal
Or are we "us"? Will we stand out from
The crowd or burn in

Hell's flames to prove that we are different?
Only the brave know that Hell's hot and that
Together we will all scorch...

28 August 2007


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  • 17 years ago

    by Mo

    Good topic!! Nice to have something different - a different opinion on something is always a breath of fresh air. Well... I dont particularly want to burn... but at the same time I dont quite fit into the norm either!!! Society can take its collective opinions and get faarked! :)

    Nice piece. See you in The Club sometime!
