Heartbreak is inevitable.
One day will come
when everything crashes to pieces around your feet.
To many to begin to count,
tiny shreds pricking you left and right,
unthinkable disaster has met your doorstep.
A call from the one,
will only result with one action.
A river floods from your eyes, as your heart slowly sobs.
The one you thought so perfect,
turning out to be just another boy,
and you just another toy.
Yet a message of hope still clings,
for he has not done the worst,
reconcile may be in your future.
For awhile hate will fill the air,
easy tears will haunt you day and night.
But eventually you'll find yourself home again.
Home once again, in his strong loving arms.
Gaining trust one step at a time.
Slowly mending all your throbbing wounds.
To wish only for an end to come,
from this treacherous cycle that we all go through.
Yet no one can put a final stop, for none of us are perfect, and arguments will always arise.