• 17 years ago

    by complicated situation

    Awww thts such a sad poem,, made me quite deressed actually:O x

  • 17 years ago

    by Jamica

    Ilike this one! very true.

  • 17 years ago

    by Francine

    Very good one, and this is more of a reason you need to stay strong. Because little girls don't stay five forever. Hugz.

  • 17 years ago

    by KemistryKia

    Another great poem very touching very deep n real

  • 17 years ago

    by FindingGestalt

    I know what its like to be the little girl grown dad didn't do drugs and he has disapointed me, he's not the man I thought he was and he's not my hero anymore. Stay strong for your little girls because they need someone to look after them, they need someone who isn't to closeminded to understand their ideas and most importantly they need someone they feel they can depend on. Staying strong for yourself is easier said than done...stay strong for you girls becuase you mean the world to them and some day they'll grow up and you can still mean the world to them or you can be a disapointment, change the truth before their old enough to see it. Paula

  • 17 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    Awesome poetry. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jessica Lynn

    This is really good cy .. but no matter wut ur gurls will always love u n b daddys lil ones .. they've accepted who u are even if they kno the truth i think they understand it is hard && u helped them out a lot by showing them the wrong way to go && now ur little gurls will grow up sayin they are not an addict all b/c u showed them wut one was

  • 17 years ago

    by joy

    Cy this one makes my eyes water.. i love your writing

  • 17 years ago

    by SADADDY

    Yes, Cy this is a very touching write. When they grow up they will form their own opinion about you have and are going threw. May peace and joy fill your heart once again one day soon.


  • 17 years ago

    by Jodie Phillips

    I read that and it hits home cy thanks for sharing that with me. i can tell that even though you think your not the best dad, you love them girls with all your heart and if you continue to show them you love them, they will love you no matter whta. Even though we all have issues in our lofe we can still be there and be a parent. The hurtfull thing is knowing that you could be better but we cant do anything to change it...not just like that anyway. Yesterdays gone we can never ever have that back. Stay strong my man. xx

  • 16 years ago

    by CWG

    This poem actually made me cry. Sometimes it is hard to believe the shit that as addicts we put our kids through. I just wished they could all realize that we never ever loved them any less. You are a truly gifted writer. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Tina Marie

    Reading this poem filled me with pain.

    Will they love you when they know you
    choose drugs over their

    I am not sure if that is still going on but I don't feel you would pick those drugs over them anymore. I adore that you love your children and that you are still there. Your children will grow up to be strong, and so will you. You are still growing and are getting through this phase but as time goes on you are getting stronger

  • 16 years ago

    by keyara

    That was amazing. i really love it. im completely touched.

  • 15 years ago

    by Second to None

    Wow this is really an amazing poem. i'm glad you told me about it.