If I Fell [Lannet]

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   Aug 29, 2007

I held my breath as I fell down with you;
Into the unknown with no resistance;
It was life or death and I chose you then;
But I have grown, and know that trust and you:
They just don`t fit. So I lay out my hopes;
Onto the memories of you and I;
I can still admit I was naive and young,
Just trying to please everyone but me,
But in the end, I was wrong about love.
It`s not given out for free, it is earned;
And you can`t try to mend a broken heart,
By being gutsy and risking it all,
Because you have to ask yourself one thing:
If I fell, would you be there to catch me?

-Jenna Elphick
August 28, 2007.


The Lannet, created by Laura Lamarca, consists of 14 lines - presentation of such piece is to the poetâ??s preference. There is a strict syllable count of 10 per line. The Lannet has NO END-LINE RHYMING SCHEME. Only internal rhyme is allowed. There is no stipulance of Iambic form, pentameter or tetrameter for a Lannet.


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