Open my heart and what will you find?
Scars upon scars, some the killing kind
Some are old and some are new
Some still sting and some bleed through
I know they are here but you might not
They're deep down inside and hurt a lot
I often wonder how it might feel to be free
To not have these wounds reminding me
The darkness, the pain, gosh I'm so sick of it
But then who would I be if they didn't exist?
I can't get the darkness out of my sight
It blinds me, it finds me, just doesn't seem right
Imagine looking into a mirror without fear
Imagine a day that I don't shed one tear
I feel too much, perhaps this is my curse
I hang on too long I don't know which is worse
Open my heart and what do you see?
Scars upon scars, but they all define me