What you did to me

by Navy SweetHeart   Sep 4, 2007

You said you loved me.
I thought you cared.
I thought you were something differnt.
I thought you weren't like the rest.

You proved me wrong.
Once again my heart was broken.
riped to peices.
thrown away.

you left me in tears.
with no where to run.
no where to hide.
and wanting to die.

you said you would never forget me.
but you don't even see me,
standing right in front of you.

you said you never wanted to hurt me.
never wanted to see me cry.
then why did you say you loved,
when you knew the whole time you didn't mean it?


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  • 17 years ago

    by A Phoenyx in Flight

    Wow i loved this poem it was soo sad but great. keep up the great work and keep writing.

    hey could you cheak out the poem i rote named With All My Heart and tell me what you think out if

    i loved this poem i cant seem to say that enough

  • 17 years ago

    by halie

    I love it i feel like dat right now
    rlly good

  • 17 years ago

    by Cliche Fairytale Ending

    I think the poem was great . but i was wondering if youd check out some of my poems and tell me what you think

  • Sad, but very good poem. I loved it so much. I felt the emotion you must've felt when you wrote it. Reminds me of something I wrote. Great job. 5/5

    <mOnStRiTo'S pRiNcEsS>