A simple faded memory

by cowgirlstar26   Sep 5, 2007

My heavy heart grows faint
my eyelids become dark
everything has changed
deep inside I'm torn apart

this remains constant
this never ending fight
to just give in and love you
tears swell up, as they fill my eyes

passion unfolds
as do my feelings
but it's not enough
with my soul I'm pleading

it's not a part of life
but you wouldn't understand
"love" shouldn't be thrown around
because it will slip right though your hands

like tiny raindrops
my Grey clouds appear
casting shadows across my heart
they've kept it safe for many years

I didnt expect you to see
I hope you never do
because even as I type this out
all I can think about is you

I cant begin to tell you
you somehow rescued me
but don't end up like the others
as a simple faded memory...


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  • 15 years ago

    by WakingFreedom

    A very good piece. I loved the last stanza. Loved the closure. It had emotion. It had devotion. I liked it all in all. Great job. =]

  • 17 years ago

    by Shauna

    Amazing!! Lovely writing!!


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