Fallen Angel [Acrostic-Cinq-Kyrielle-Sonnet]


It didn`t quite feel complete after one acrostic, so I mixed a bunch of styles into one, not actually as long as it looks.

Forgetting the past, she readjusts her
Attire, stepping out into the bright bar
Lights. And the gents turn to stare as she
Leaves her deceit behind her in room 31;
Excluding the details, she lays the blame on drunken
Naivety, with a ring on her finger, she shouldn`t be messing around.

A man sits at home waiting by the phone but there`s been
No sign of her since yesterday night. And
Gents are paying her by the hour to bring them to
Ecstasy, as her dulling eyes drift off -
Laying under a panting man, wishing to be at home.

The street lights beam down on her pale face as she paces to and fro,
Working over a pathetic lie in her head, with no place to go;
She can`t face him on a night like tonight, she knows how he gets,
By this time, with no call, he`s likely to have begun the duets -
Mr. Cuervo and Mr. Daniels, sit empty beside a black rocking chair;
His eyes filled with rage, he`s got a few more hours left to spare.
Crouching in the streets, she curses as she tugs at her hair -
And she cowers into a dark alley way, hiding her face of snow;
Lifting her gaze, she stands in spite of the blackened silhouettes;
Swallowing her fear as she silently says a desperate prayer.

Bloodshed in an alley, few words said -
But a bullet lay still in her head,
Falling in deceit, not feeling a thing -
Fallen angel, with no halo or wings.

Shadows squirm at the sight of death,
As she gasps for one final breath;
And she fades with the pain death brings -
Fallen angel, with no halo or wings.

A porcelain body lay in a dumpster,
With no one around to save her -
And her hand wore a wedding ring -
Fallen angel, with no halo or wings.

Raped of her halo and wings, her body lay -
Cold and blue in an abandoned street tonight,
Faded eyes looked out from behind a dull light;
Her blood tampered the dirt of an alleyway;
She wanted to live, but death stood in her way.
And the journalists wanted to get their stories right -
With photographers cameras flashing bright,
Making up stories, saying what they want to say.

'"Another "Fallen Angel" was found today,
Face up in a dumpster, blood all around;
There might have been a few weapons at play,
But the neighbors have not yet made a sound - '
No onlookers confess to the murder,
And not even he recognizes her...

With the news on low, he stares blankly at a television screen;
Trying to digest the dreadful story that he had just seen,
'Must have been horrifying' he mutters under his drunken breath,
Not knowing that it was his wife whom had the run-in with death;
And peering out the window, tears fell from his blood-shot eyes;
As he picked up the phone, so fed up with all of her little lies -
Shouting to an answering machine, he screamed his last good-byes.
And he drove through town, with his radio covering a murder scene;
As a name that he knew drifted through the speakers, he lost his breath -
Not even in her death, was he able to see through her disguise.

Following the traces of blood he
Attempts to make it across the police
Line. "Sorry sir, nobody walks past this
Line," one officer turns to him and
Explains. "Sir, you got to let me in
Now, this fallen angel is my wife!"

And with tears falling down, he slowly
Narrowed his eyes - pale legs and a waist so
Gaunt were flashing in his crystal blue
Eyes as he screamed for her to come back,
Lifting his hands up to the sky: she smiled.

-Jenna Elphick
September 5, 2007


Acrostic Poetry is where the first letter of each line spells a word, usually using the same words as in the title.


The CinqTroisDecaLa Rhyme, a form created by Laura Lamarca, consists of one 10-lined stanza. The rhyme scheme for this form is AABBCCCABC.


A Kyrielle is a French form of rhyming poetry written in quatrains (a stanza consisting of 4 lines), and each quatrain contains a repeating line or phrase as a refrain (usually appearing as the last line of each stanza). There is no limit to the amount of stanzas a Kyrielle may have, but three is considered the accepted minimum. Some popular rhyming schemes for a Kyrielle are: aabB, ccbB, ddbB, with B being the repeated line, or abaB, cbcB, dbdB.


Italian Sonnet can have either 10 or 11 syllables per line with a rhyme scheme of ABBAABBA CDCDCD or ABBAABBA CDECDE.


"She smiled" - that ending is the way that it is because she didn`t feel needed by her husband...she was cheating to grasp his attention, but all she got was rage. She never ran from death when she looked it in the eye because at that point, it felt right to her...but the "fallen angel" was watching down as her husband finally realized that he had lost her and screamed for her to come back because it was at that point that she realized he cared for her and wanted her.


Order of styles = Acrostic, CinqTroisDecaLa Rhyme Kyrielle, Italian Sonnet, CinqTroisDecaLa Rhyme and Acrostic.


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  • 17 years ago

    by firexdancer

    Wow. that was really good, i didn't really like the beginning of the poem that much, but the ending..........it just astounded me. especially the last phrase. it was just beautiful. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Bryan

    It took me forever to read, but tis perfecto, you really capped this one off jenna, love the mixtures of styles, you must come up with an easy name for it, i give it a flawless 5/5!!! keep up these great poems babe!!!