I am from food
Brayer's Ice Cream and Kentucky Fried Chicken
I am from the beach with burning yellow sand and crashing blue waves
sunny, windy, and tasting like salt
I am from the seaweed, kelp, and twirling shells
the trees, sunflowers, and rocks
stones that glisten like gold in a pirate's chest
I'm from the small family vacations to the Outer Banks and fun, sarcastic laughter
from Jason L. and Donna M.
I'm from the showing up late to everything but always bringing a gift
From Santa's Workshop which really does exist and the hospital where I was supposedly dropped on my head
I'm from believe what you want and leave what you can't
I may pick and choose whatever gives me hope, seems right, and helps me get by
I'm from regular ol' Maryland instead of France, Italy, Ireland, or Scotland
In the farther parts we have the sweet sugar cookies and the closer kin is crushed red peppers on a rotting meat lovers pizza if you catch my drift.
From the silly grandfather who sat in gum in his brand new car and the runaway Ocean City partier
I am from the closet of photo albums stacked together, envelopes of baby teeth and baby curls, and the little projects my sister and I made in school.
I am from the fire proof box, where all the most important memos are safe from any damaging possibilities.
All these things a precious symbol of happy times that when your mind forgets you have these keepsakes to remind you.
If you didn't, the memories would decrease, deflate, implode, burst inward, die, and disappear
I am from my half started novels, and Internet submitted poetry
the poems that mean so much to me
the poems that tell where I'm from