
by brie kelly wise   Sep 8, 2007

When it rains, it pours
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise
Yet it hasn't happened in a long time
But now we're against the clock
Better late than never

When it rains, it pours
Why can't we call it off
Let's cross our fingers
And hope for the best
Every cloud has a silver lining
But you've already lost your head

When it rains, it pours
If it's not one thing
It's always another
Just lend me your ear
I'll whisper something
And we'll be out on the town
Raising the city up above the skyline

When it rains, it pours
It's your second nature
It's my second chance
Can't you see the writing on the wall
True words were never spoken
And I'm up against the wall

When it rains, it pours
I never saw it coming
Old habits die hard
Still, your guess is as good as mine

*the flow is horrible but I couldn't really find a flow in this one


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