Darken Soul

by FlirtingWithDeath   Sep 10, 2007

~Darken Soul~

Buried deep within
No answer to be found,
Tears turn into ice,
Footsteps into stone.

Oblivious to the pain
And blinded by darkness,
She fades into the shadows
Never to see the light of which,
She has been longing too behold.

Stumbling in murky water,
Consumed by her own fears
Wounds not yet healed,
She plunges head first
Into another darken hole.

A breath dared to be taken
Pulled back yet again,
Creatures that live inside her
Rips apart her very core.

Yet a small spark of hope
Shimmers in the soul
Her eyes glisten in wonderment
A smile seems too unfold.

Closing her eyes
He heart racing with anticipation,
She reaches out to hold it
Only to find that it has departed


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Very deep loved it 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    "She has been longing too behold."
    too = to.

    It's been so long since I've read a piece of yours and even though this is quite old it's refreshing to read it.

    You did a good job. (:

  • 16 years ago

    by PorcelainMoon

    Good write CJ, missed reading your work, stay ginger.

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