My Final Plea

by Katelyn   Sep 10, 2007

Run run run as fast as you can
you can't catch me
I'm superman
or at least that's what they treat me like
think i can do this
think i can do that
they think I'm perfect...
but am i?
Do they look at me on the inside?
what would they do if i died?
scream and shout
"She was our best athlete without a doubt"
but they never knew me
they'd never be able to see
I'm not just an athlete
sure I'm swift on my feet
but I'm so much more
so much behind that hidden door
I'm a lover, i found you
I'm a learner, i know what to do
i have a big average in softball
but a bigger heart
stricken with quite a dart
and though it pains me to say
i don't want to hear y'all today
don't want to hear "She'll rock your world"
but what i wish i could hear
"If you'd listen, she could change your world."
if only they'd take the time to listen
instead of to watch.
Wish i could turn the perfect scale
even if it's only a notch.
i don't want to be perfect
not even close
it doesn't make sense in reality
and it never really will
but then again, perfection can kill
wanting to always be this, be that
why can't i just stop to take a rest
maybe i don't want to be on top
maybe i don't want to be the best
what's wrong with just being me?
that's all I'm asking
thats my one and final plea


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  • 17 years ago

    by Wake

    "..but what i wish i could hear
    "If you'd listen, she could change your world.."


    aah.. there's nothing wrong in one's being him/herself..
    thats what we're soposed to do .. but we're blinded .. its truly great,,tht u have realized it ..

    a great write .. relatable,very
    Dont Stop Writing
