Tough Love

by TGR   Sep 11, 2007

You used to tell me to suck it up
How do you like me "sucking it up" now?

You used to tell me to get over it
It's not that easy mother.

You used to tell me to get back up
How when I'm still falling?

You used to tell me to shake it off
I'm trying to.

You used to tell me it's not a big deal
So thinking about picking up that knife,
Taking those pills,
Staying under the water. . .
Thatâ??s not a big deal?

You used to tell me to never cry
I force myself not to when I need to the most.

You used to tell me donâ??t come crying to you unless I'm bleeding
I haven't come to you yet
I'm holding all these dark secrets
I'm scared to come to you
Because I'm not bleeding yet
So how do you like that rule now?



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  • 17 years ago

    by HidinVictim

    Wow thats sounds like my mom... i don't know if that poems about you, but thanks for writing it i needed to know im not alone... thank you so much. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Emily Reed

    O please dont do anything you mentioned in this poem, there are poeple who care, me! i may not know you but i do more than you know, i've been there, done that its not worth it please trust me. i'm going through hell myself but i wont do that because i have a baby in my tummy rite now and not only would i be taking my own life, but my baby girls too. if you need some one to talk to, you can talk to me.

  • 17 years ago

    by Matthew Betts

    This is a very worrying poem....
    If what you describe here is really how you are feeling, then please contact me hun. I know life can push you to the brink of not knowing what your next move will be, but know this...."There is always someone out there who cares" it may be your closest friend or a complete stranger. Dont ever give up, dont ever believe that you are alone, no matter how lonely you may feel....i have been there myself. As for the poem, great work, fantastic description of emotion that stands boldly from within the words. Great work.

  • 17 years ago

    by divine divinity

    OMG, i love this poem! you really have a talent, i would love to read more of your work keep it up!