
by Redd   Sep 13, 2007

Left alone
in a world so cold

My heart begins to freeze
The empty space filled with cement

My heart is cold
My heart is hard

I search for new and old
but cant find it through the blizzard

Everything is gone
No one is here

I wander aimlessly
dazed and confused

It makes no since,
Where did my warmth go?

Did i loose it?
Did it leave me?

I'm lost in this strange world
so I continue to wonder

Left alone
in a world so cold


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  • 16 years ago

    by ForeverASickKid

    Im speechless this poem was amazing

  • 16 years ago

    by pookiengurgi

    Pretty good..I think you were trying to say "wander" instead of wonder.....other than that, it was good.

  • 17 years ago

    by XxXKristie MarieXxX

    You can definatly feel some of the emotion you are portraying in this. Made me sad. I love it when I can feel what the person is going through so I understand. keep it up!

    XxXKristie MarieXxX

  • 17 years ago

    by amandalynn

    Really good. 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by XlikkulMissStaciiX

    Yeahh!! I Like It Too... Made Me Cold Lol!! =]] Stacii xxx