Black tears from my heart

by with this small heart i give u all   Sep 15, 2007

but torn
how can my own best-friend hack in my own true love?
she knew the password into my love so she took the password and opened him
i felt so torn
you flipped my world upside down
turned it all around
spin-ed it from head to toe
your not a friend your a foe
ugly you made me
beast i became
when i look in the mirror
fuggly is my name
stupid you played me
dum enough to fall for it
you said you never liked him
when i looked back at what you said all i heard was
I'm twisting your head
i took a minute thought to myself and said
y don't you just take my life and drown it in my black tears?
why don't you just take the rest of me my dear?
she took my love but not my life
my heart crys ever single night
i still want him back still starting from this day
just take the devil
but the angel awaits


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  • 16 years ago

    by LiNa

    Niceway to express your pain in this one...sounds like you were pissed.

  • 17 years ago

    by YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight

    Well written but very sad. I enjoyed reading please keep writing and i will keep reading 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by BrilliantMynd

    Nice poem....5'd it for you

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