You Said You'd Never Leave Me

by anime1addict   Sep 15, 2007

I see you there
hanging by a thread
i still don't understand.
how could you be dead?

you said you'd never leave me
you said you'd never go
you left me with a broken heart
that only you could sew

I lay there on the floor
broken and alone
you hang there by that thread
as if it were your throne

your hand lay limp
i take it in my own
i want to be at your side
though you chose to die alone

i bleed across the floor
my heart broken anew
i want to make it heal
but the needle won't go threw

i step onto the metal chair
as cold and still as you
i string myself up
just like you

i grip your hand
tighter and tighter still
i want you to know
this is my own will

i step off the chair
and feel myself drop
after only a second
i come to a sudden stop

you said you'd never leave me
you said you'd never go
you left me with a broken heart
that you can finally sew


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by anime1addict

    Oh thank you very much! :)

  • 17 years ago

    by MusoXDanielle

    Absolutely Fantastic!!!


    Great powerful words used in this poem!



  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I love this...the imagery and power in this poem were breathtaking. the flow was good throughout and the whole piece had me gripped from start to finish. there was only one slight problem i found with this and that was that there seemed to be a lot of filler words (I you and etc) try eliminating some of those and you'll find the flow gets even better. again, this is beautiful.

  • 17 years ago

    by Kris


  • 17 years ago

    by Independence Forever

    Very vivid. great job, keep it up

    your servant: