She Is Still His Angel

by beautiful xx disaster   Sep 16, 2007

He walks like a prince,
He drowns like a hero,
His friends call him perfect,
He feels like a zero.

His teachers tell him to win,
His coach tells him to score,
His dad tells him to go,
His mom tells him theres more.

He doesn't know whats real,
He doen't know whats true,
He only knows one thing,
That he is falling for you.

It's not a fairy tale story,
Or a make-believe tale,
About two happy lovers,
It's a story that can't prevail
(Because she loves another).

Its a simple twist in fate,
A simple love triangle,
He can never have her,
But she is still his angel.



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  • 17 years ago

    by xoxkatrinaxox

    This is very good i thought. it goes very well together and i like it a ton. hopefully u can come check out some of mine.
    ur friend

  • 17 years ago

    by Angel Of Death

    Awww thats heaps good, its such a beautiful poem! great job! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by nd when its jus too much

    Aww I liked this one...its simalar to me but I'm the! Good job!