As Blood Runs Black (monody/free verse)

by Ashleigh Skye   Sep 18, 2007

*(a monody is a poem that mourns anothers death)*

"I remember when I first met you,
your pale skin glistening in the moonlight,
those dark eyes,
how they pierced my soul.
You taught me the purest form of love,
showed me it has no limits,
and our first kiss,
magical is not powerful enough to describe it.
You were my best friend,
and although we had our differences,
I never wanted you to fall.
You helped me see so much
showed me the power of the outcasts,
the strength of the fallen,
and when we were together,
I felt as if I could achieve anything.
You believed in me,
and even when our worlds pulled us in different directions,
and your thirst for blood consumed you,
you always managed to stay with me.
As I sit here at your grave site,
I wonder,
are you really gone for good,
or are you simply sleeping waiting for the perfect moment,
to open your eyes and return to me.
But that's when I see the wooden stake,
thrust deep in your chest,
and the long since dried garlic around your neck,
and it slowly starts to sink in,
your gone.
how I wish it wasn't true,
how I wish that you were still with me,
caring for me,
like only you know how to do.
Taking me places,
I never would have seen,
teaching me,
the power of the unexplained.
Wishing never solved anything though,
and I know that nothing I do will change that."

And as the young woman,
arose from the gravestone,
she left behind a vile of a sticky red substance,
closed with a cork,
bottled up forever,
just like her love for the man,
who stood up for the many things that mattered.
And as she walked away,
the moon,
turned from white to red.



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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Run out of words

    that's a really good poem.
    The word usage was really good, because the way you described every stanza made the words come to life.
    Really beautiful =]

  • 17 years ago

    by Andrew Morton

    Its amazing how something so tragic can create such a beautiful piece, you have a lot of emotion in this one, keep up the good work!

  • 17 years ago

    by Timothy r

    This was such an emotional piece, I read it a few times and it just got better everytime. You truly have talent my dear. great job. Timothy r

  • 17 years ago

    by Tracy D Rollings

    Excellent poem, dark and sad, but well written simply a beautiful piece, great job, keep it up ,, your friend Tracy d 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    Wow, dark love poem... Very unique, I like it a lot. The choice of words in it is great, and the atmosphere that you created through the piece is so dark and haunting. Whole poem contains very vivid imagery, too. The ending is really powerful and effective.
    Keep up, 5/5 from me