Smile Empty Soul

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   Sep 18, 2007

Footsteps trace the winding path left behind,
As he searches for something he`ll never find,
With his cheeks wind burnt and red, he treks on;
To find a broken heart now forever gone.

His eyes are stripped bare of their bright colors,
And with each step his breath is getting duller --
A soul is etched into the bark of an old willow,
All the words that he screams into his pillow:

"Forever and ever, Baby; down to the last breath --
You`ll either take me in life, or leave me in death;"
Her ways got a hold of him, grasped him by the heart --
Tore him down to insanity and cracked him apart.

An old park bench full of long lost lovers tales,
Sits by a frozen pond as the powdery snow veils,
The sandy bank from three long years ago:
She said she loved him, that he needed to know.

With a bottle of peach wine, they lost track of time;
He slurred out pretty lines to heighten his sublime,
She saw the world when she looked into his eyes,
But her tongue was coated down with pitiful lies.

They rode the empty "I love you`s" for a month or two,
Contaminating the phone lines, seeing each other through;
And he always knew that her naivety would take her there,
But he never paid close enough attention to truly care.

A drunken message on an answering machine,
That`s the last of that girl he ever seen,
But sometimes, when the night is dark and cold;
He`ll walk along this path, remembering what he was told:

"Sometimes, promises are broken by those you trust;
And often, love isn`t really love at all, it`s merely lust;
You`ll find out the hard way that sometimes good-bye`s --
They really are forever, nothing but fantasy coated in lies."

-Jenna Elphick
September 17, 2007


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  • 17 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Wow! Nice job...incredibly painful piece. I could picture every bit of it. It was intense and made me wanna cry and watch a sad movie...:) Good job with drawing the reader in!