Karma Part 2

by Jeannette Lopez   Sep 18, 2007

I don't get it
Weren't you the one who told me
You didn't want me anymore?
Well then if that were true,
If loving me was a mistake,
What the hell are you here for?

Don't lie to me, foo!
Don't tell me that
Not right now!
Don't tell me you love me
When I know you don't!
You never even knew how.

Stop confusing me!
Weren't you the one
Who pushed my love aside?
And now aren't you the one
Crawling back to me
Wanting your spot back in my life?

What goes around
Comes around
And you should already know
That what goes up
Must come down.

I remember when
I grabbed your shirt
Crying and begging you
But you pushed me down
And made fun of me
Calling me a fool.

And now what's this?
What can we
Possibly have here?
Luck must really
Be on my side
To make you come down here.

Karma goes around
What you do to others
Someone else will do unto you
So don't taunt or hurt
That one person
Who admits they love and care for you.

*Written: 9-15-07*


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  • 17 years ago

    by Hermosa

    Wow i could feel the tone you were using! Very strong poem good job. That's what he gets! 5/5