Comments : Summer Lovers (Double Acrostic in a new sense)

  • 17 years ago

    by cory

    Wow that is the coolist poem ever.5/5 i send my congrats on a job well done.

  • 17 years ago

    by goddess-glamourpuss

    Interesting idea although personally I found the capitals at the end a tad distracting but hey, it's your layout.
    It might havre been a short piece but it was packed with imagery and was so evocative of a summers evening and tied in so beautifully with the title that I could almost have been there.

  • 17 years ago

    by PnQ Mod Account

    Very well done, Sherry!!!

    single acrostics are hard enough to do with out being choppy and double acrostics are doubly so, what with having to end with weird vowels sometimes!

    I know you capitalized that last letters just to show that they indeed spelled LOVERS, but I agree with goddess that it is a little distracting.

    Great work!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Very interesting concept of a "Double Acrostic" in a new light. I liked your wording and the way it flowed.

    Although it is a structured poem, you made it look effortless and very easy to do. I love acrostics since it gives the usual writter a challenge compared to a lot of other structured poems.

    Even though it is a structured poem I must say it was very short, I would have liked to see it a bit longer, for it felt like the poem wasn't fully finished in a sence.

    But overall a wonderful write from a great writter. Keep up the great work!!!

    Peace and Love, Joe