Observe her smile.
See the falseness on her face?
The lie in her eyes?
The truth is so far down not even she sees it anymore.
Observe her smile.
She's buried the pain so deep in her heart, she doesn't feel it anymore.
She embraces the emptiness with open arms and a willing mind.
How can she move on?
Does she not suffer and long for freedom as she once had?
To laugh about nothing and talk about everything?
Silence rules her mouth.
She is but a shell of the person who had so much passion for life and love.
The joy of life has already passed.
And not only to this one girl.
She is beyond your reach, wrapped up in her own thoughts and wanderings.
Keep others from falling down her path to despair.
Observe my smile as I tell you.
Observe my smile as I share.
Observe my smile for a moment.
Observe their smiles if you dare.