
by Yumi   Sep 22, 2007

Decieving lookers
and striping hookers
this is wat a child will see
in her lifetime
because she live on streets like me

we together are a team
that that can withstand anything we must recive
we stand together
we are girls who fight together
and even when we cannot achive
we still compete
against the world
that must come forward
to get wat we dont deserve

(just to let yall know, i dont live on the streets)


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  • 17 years ago

    by Madison

    I like the effort to try and shed some light on living in the streets, its nice to know that some people still remeber there are people just like them out there

  • 17 years ago

    by samantha

    Lol i already read this, and i think its really gud, i agree with teh guy above tho, shudda made it longer, gud job tho

  • 17 years ago

    by Trying to let go of reality

    This was good 2. Umm I personally think that u should make it longer cuz so fr it's really good. I would give it a 5/5 if it were longer but i'm giving it a 4/5 cuz it's still pretty good. =)
