
by alexandra   May 3, 2004

Don't believe everything you see
Because what you see isn't always what you get
And don't believe everything you hear
Because I haven't heard any truth yet

Don't hold him so close
Because you'll get hurt more in the end
And don't let him go
Because you'll end up losing him as a friend

Don't fall for his sweet words
Because he uses them on everyone, not just to you
And don't crawl back to him each time
Because you end up confused on what to do

Don't let him hold you there while he leads you on
Because he doesn't really care
And don't watch him with her
Because he'll forget you're even there

Don't listen to him when he claims he loves you
Because he doesn't, no matter what he says
And don't put up with him anymore
Because you don't deserve anymore sadness

Don't wonder who he's with
Because you know it's going to be her
And don't worry about what he's doing each Friday night
Because he's not thinking about you ever

Don't let your heart lead you on
Because it only hears what you want it to hear
And don't sit there and think about them together
Because you only end up with more tears

Don't think you need him
Because you don't
And don't think you'll be together again
Because you won't

Don't blame yourself
Because you didn't make this mess
And don't think it's your fault either
Because he's the one who failed the test

So dust yourself off
Because tomorrow is a brand new day
And assure yourself that everything is alright
Because everything is going to be okay

**I guess I'm a hypocrite. Because this is what i would tell a friend if she was upset over a boy. But my friends have told me this and it isn't as easy as that. vote and comment anyway please.**


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  • 20 years ago

    by alexandra

    aw sorry about your girlfriend hun!
    and trisha- lol.. ur right- easier said than done....

  • 20 years ago

    by alexandra

    thanks a lot u guyss..
    and brittnay- i think we're in about the same position then. same thing happened to me. but i'm still in love with him... i feel so stupid !!
    and ashley- boys come and go.. all the time.. u just gotta know that God knows what He's doing and you'll be alright. you dont need a guy to make ur life happy.

    lol.. there i go being a hypocrite again..