Heartbreak Hotel {ACROSTIC}

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Sep 26, 2007

Here I stand, alone again.
Every time I think I've found someone to love
And someone who will love me, they
Run away, leaving me here,
Trying to pick up all the tiny
Bits of the shattered
Remains of my heart.
Eventually I hope to find
A man who will love me true but I
Know it's just wishful thinking.

Here I remain
On my own, no one
To help me run this
Eerie, lonely, scary hotel of
Love and other mythS...


26 September 2007


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  • 16 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    This piece has good sentences in it, but because it's in acrostic form, it throws the flow off some. It just didn't fall off the tongue as smoothly as some of your other pieces. Your ending, once I read it again, was really good. I like your comparison of love to a myth. Very nice job with that!