I can't breathe at night.

by Raydeen   Sep 26, 2007

"No" she said.
He left anyway.
I think about that,
yeah every single day.

I can't breathe at night,
not when I'm crying,
and the pain is so unbareable,
inside it feels like I'm dying.

Such a beauty of a girl,
I cared all along.
Maybe I cared too much,
because now she's gone.

I think about everything that went wrong,
and it creates an ache so deep.
It hurts like a nightmare,
when I can't get out of a deep sleep.

I put on a smile,
so no one will know.
why do I keep this hidden?
not letting it show.


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  • 17 years ago

    by sandy

    Aww raydeen very sad but very well written..<3 keep it up LOVE YOU MUNCHKIN=)