I'll get you

by Jonathan S   Sep 26, 2007

If there's one lesson in life that needs to be learned,

that life isn't always fair and is filled with many turns.

Well this poems about a girl, thats stuck on another guy

That i'm hoping i can get, and won't ever wanna say good-bye

She doesn't know it yet, but she will soon see

that she's wasting her time with him, and needs to be with me.

I'll always treat her good, and put a smile on her face,

and hopefully i'll be the guy that she won't want to replace.

Because I know i can make her happy, and i know i can make her laugh

only if she'll give me a chance and possibly cross my path.

but i have to be patient,yet i don't mind the wait

because you can't control everything, its all up to fate.

So i'll end with this, hopefully it'll change your mind,

that one different guy isn't that hard to find.

"Girl, I'm always here, and i'm not letting go"

"This is how i feel, and i'm not afraid to let it show"



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  • 17 years ago

    by iris


  • 17 years ago

    by Golda

    Aww this is a really sweet poem.