All That's Left

by JustKristina   Sep 27, 2007

We were perfect for each other,
But now all that's left
Are some papers with you name
Sketched inside of a heart.

We were made for each other,
But not all that's left
Is jut another guy's name
Added to my 'friends' contacts

We loved each other
But now all that's left
Are the few memories I have
Of seeing your face

We tired so hard for each other
But now all that's left
Is another set of letters
In my Nike shoebox

We were perfect for each other
But now all that's left
Is my broken heart
Wondering if I made the right choice


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  • 17 years ago

    by jLegendc

    I love this! short but really meaningful poem with a really good story behind it.. memories are the only ones that stays with us when someone leaves us...
    great poem! =]

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSuicidalxx

    I like it! Very well written and unique....keep writng and this one deserves a 5/5!!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by The Sky is Falling

    Reminds me of a lot of the stuff that I write. Very good job, I loved it. 5/5

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