by Myisha white Sep 28, 2007
category :
Life, society /
I set and wonder why me???????? Thats a question i had to ask myself... I love my sister but do she love me I do what i can to take care of her child and all i get from her is disrespect not a thank you or a i love you 4 the help... She feels that she can have her cake and eat it 2 but it don't work like that...I love my sister but she will realize that life is 2 short to be trying 2 hurt the 1 that love you and trying to help you. I love you always but I'm human and i want all the respect i can get out of life cuz I'm only 19 years old w/ no kids i don't need disrespect from you and I'm putting my life on hold 4 u.... ~My-Isha White~ |