Feeliings</3 (kill me im faliing apart )

by BrokenVodkaBottle   Sep 29, 2007

Feeling lonley.
Feelings of despair
Trying to breath im chocking.
But i cant get no air.

Im suffacating in my thoughts
Drowning in my tears.
Braking my heart
My biggest fear.

Dont wanna feel that
Sharp stabbing pain.
That brings a blade to my skin.
An makes me insane.

Dont wanna feel
Cause it hurts way to much.
Looking down at the blood on the floor.
Then do some more cuts.

Why live
To only be fukd around.
Right now im gonna stay
Preteding im dead 6ft in the ground..


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gizmo

    I love the last stanza of that poem :]

  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Wow a sad poem a little unique from other cut poems 5/5 maybe u can read one of mine.