Far to gone

by SheFlowsThroughMyVeinsLikePosion   Sep 30, 2007

A bloody wrist
tears fall
her lips part
alcohol enters her body
she has a drag in between sips
this is what she has left
she feels empty lost used
although she's scared of being alone
she sits by herself
in the dark of her room
it's just her
and her thoughts
the suicidal ones
that are always running through her mind
they don't go away
no matter how hard she trys
no matter how much she cries
she takes the pills
to knock her out
and the ones to make her sane
although they have never worked
in go the pills
with a mouth full of alcohol
she Ly's on her bed
staring at the ceiling
wondering what happened
how did she become this
she had potential
to go far
she has the grades
to make something of her life
but no
she chose this road
or this road chose her
and now she can't escape
she's scared of herself
and one day how far she'll go
how far she'll push it
just one more pill
one more bottle
one more joint
or one more cut
a little deeper every time
to ease her growing pain
she needs to be saved
but she's far to lost
in all this sht
to See it for herself
she crys herself to sleep
and kills herself in her dreams
she wakes up in the mornings
annoyed that she has
but what can she do she's far to fcked up
she doesn't think she can change
but she wants to so bad
where will she end up
if she doesn't stop herself
will she live past her 17th
nobody will know till then


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