Mistake after mistake.
That's all I seem to make.
I take one step just to fall.
Take another and hit a wall.
I close my eyes, for I'm afraid,
Another mistake I know I made.
Yell at me, I know I did it wrong.
Try again? Am I that strong?
Can I take another step without fear?
What if another mistake is near?
Falling and tripping along the way.
I know I will get better at this one day.
I'll keep trying no matter how long it takes.
One day I will learn from these mistakes.
They say practice makes perfection.
I want to be like your reflection,
And hold my head up high,
Looking up into the sky.
Able to walk without stalling.
Not worrying about falling.
You are my hero, and I want to be just like you.
I thank god you're here to tell me what to do.
You were always here to help me throughout life.
You were always here to end my strife.
I love you for all you have done.
I'll fix my mistakes, and be able to run.
Soon I'll fly the coop, just like a bird,
And be sent out into the big, big world.