He told me, "Take the left turn first,
the right one next,
and on its left, you will find
a dried up fountain.
Keeping it to your left
take the right turn next,
you will come across a large market."
Must be on the booze, I thought!
I took the left bend,
then veered to the "right one next",
but could not trace any sort of fountain;
however on the right hand side
spotted a small flower stall
with plenty of lilies that I required.
So there ARE willing people on earth,
I mumbled.
I have noticed that in the past also,
when I lost my way in love.
Harry, my pal of long standing
advised,"Look man, its all in the game.
If you go after Jerry (fruitlessly)
you will be deserting Mary as well.
Mary won't wait for you,
she knows Johny craves for her.
( The guy even calls her "My Love"!)
So take the right turn
at the right time."